So, I just want to say something about what it means to be a Creative Genius. It means that I am always thinking, putting 2+2 together (and definitely NOT coming up with 4), always learning, pushing limits, reading, writing, did I mention thinking? There's an awesome other way to think, it's called Metacognition- in which you actually think about what you think about, and how you think about it. LOL. It means that although I am an excellent speller, there are two words I can never, ever spell and I always have to use spellcheck to fix them, no matter how many times I have written them before (exercise, and rhythm.) It means that I am unafraid of a creative or intellectual challenge and I actually seek both. It means if I don't have the ingredients, I will experiment.
I encourage everyone to work on the Creative Genius inside of them. Creativity is not just about making art, or making good art for that matter. It's the quintessential "making the best out of what you have," plus a little bit of magical thinking.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Fun with Encaustic!
Yesterday I played with the Encaustic technique for the first time... it was very fun.
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Sunday, November 6, 2011
Art Journal- SCORE! at the Goodwill
I found this awesome blank book for $3.50 yesterday at our local Goodwill. I couldn't resist, because the pages, which I assume are for gluing in photos, are big, blank, and a nice heavy weight. Perfect for an art journal, a task which I have often thought about undertaking but have never actually done.
This book is bound in a very time-honored traditional way, it's called Japanese stab-binding. Basically a fancy way to say, there are holes going all the way thru the pages and the covers, and a string is holding them in. Rather than having a spine, the spine is open and you can see the edges, and the front and rear covers bend when the book opens. So if I want to, I can even remove pages in order to paint them. I plan to use a lot of gesso- tip- sometimes I keep a container of Kilz primer around- it's cheaper than gesso, and does the same thing.
Part of my creative anxiety stems from the question "Will it matter?" and I have decided that yes, it will, even if only to me. Now the anxiety that comes up next is, do I have time for this? With all the other things in my life that I am dying, or trying, to start up, do I really have time to write, scribble, draw, paint and collage in this book? Or is it just another creative diversion? Well, I suppose creative diversions are important too. I always tell my students that it is important to practice, you can't "think" your way through a project. So it's high-time for a taste of my own medicine. I recently got several new books on mixed media techniques, all of which seem very logical to me- but I can't own those techniques until I really try them out. So, here we go...
This book is bound in a very time-honored traditional way, it's called Japanese stab-binding. Basically a fancy way to say, there are holes going all the way thru the pages and the covers, and a string is holding them in. Rather than having a spine, the spine is open and you can see the edges, and the front and rear covers bend when the book opens. So if I want to, I can even remove pages in order to paint them. I plan to use a lot of gesso- tip- sometimes I keep a container of Kilz primer around- it's cheaper than gesso, and does the same thing.
Part of my creative anxiety stems from the question "Will it matter?" and I have decided that yes, it will, even if only to me. Now the anxiety that comes up next is, do I have time for this? With all the other things in my life that I am dying, or trying, to start up, do I really have time to write, scribble, draw, paint and collage in this book? Or is it just another creative diversion? Well, I suppose creative diversions are important too. I always tell my students that it is important to practice, you can't "think" your way through a project. So it's high-time for a taste of my own medicine. I recently got several new books on mixed media techniques, all of which seem very logical to me- but I can't own those techniques until I really try them out. So, here we go...
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Adventures in cosmetics.
I'm usually not very conscious of cosmetics for appearance. My typical make up is mascara and eyeliner- dressing "up" includes eyeshadow and perhaps lipstick. I never wear anything else- I'm quite freckled, so it's virtually impossible to wear foundation or coverup, which I never really need anyway because I have nice skin. So- on to what's really biting me- that's right, my teeth! I got Invisalign today and they will be with me for the next 8 months on a rather aggressive teeth-moving plan. Top teeth done in 7 months, bottoms, 8. It hurts! But my smile has been on my mind, since my front teeth started crossing over each other years ago and it got to the point where my front left tooth is totally crossed under the right and pointing into my mouth, which is uncomfortable. So I decided to do something about it this year. I've been practicing speaking tonight- my biggest challenge is my Art History class, which requires me to lecture so I can't wait until tomorrow morning when I attempt class on Ancient Greece - s sounds are the worst! Debbie made me orzo with butter for dinner, which I sucked down without chewing.
I'm now working on three Etsy orders- things are picking up with the holidays, and drinking some almond milk thru a straw... I'm thinking the one great thing that is going to come of this, besides straight teeth, is a smaller waistline since eating hurts and boy is it a b*tch trying to get these things in and out of my mouth.
I'm now working on three Etsy orders- things are picking up with the holidays, and drinking some almond milk thru a straw... I'm thinking the one great thing that is going to come of this, besides straight teeth, is a smaller waistline since eating hurts and boy is it a b*tch trying to get these things in and out of my mouth.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Breaking through creative blocks- just do it.
I have suffered from what I sometimes refer to as creative ADD. I can get incredibly engrossed in learning something- usually for a very short time period of say, one to two weeks. In that time span, I read several paper books, download 10 ebooks, listen to 50 podcasts, read every magazine article available, bookmark 25 websites, research several experts working in that media, and learn everything there is to know. Then, I either buy some supplies and try it out, or determine that I'm not all that interested in actually trying it out, and move on. Or, put it on the back-burner as something I will someday try. And- my favorite- get angry at myself for not having done it sooner, because now I have to compete with someone who is already doing it the way I "would have."
All of this is, of course, a well-disguised version of procrastination, which is in itself a well-disguised version of creative-block of one kind or another. I have quit doing this, by the way. I read a great book called Art & Fear, I got some therapy, listened to Byron Katie, have taken up Buddhist philosophy, started to pray again, and worked it out. Now my issue is time. That will be dealt with in another post.
So what is my number one tip to breaking through the creative block so you can have something to show for yourself? Start!
The world wants what you make. You are the only one who can make it, and there are people out there who really love what you make. But you can't let them see it if it never sees the light of day, if you never get around to creating it, if you stop it before it starts.
Don't wait until you are good enough. In Western Culture, for some reason we have this penetrating idea that we are never good enough. We are brought up that way, to self-deprecate, to hate ourselves or at least lack self-confidence. It's time to stop the madness and allow. Be. Make. Create.
All of this is, of course, a well-disguised version of procrastination, which is in itself a well-disguised version of creative-block of one kind or another. I have quit doing this, by the way. I read a great book called Art & Fear, I got some therapy, listened to Byron Katie, have taken up Buddhist philosophy, started to pray again, and worked it out. Now my issue is time. That will be dealt with in another post.
So what is my number one tip to breaking through the creative block so you can have something to show for yourself? Start!
The world wants what you make. You are the only one who can make it, and there are people out there who really love what you make. But you can't let them see it if it never sees the light of day, if you never get around to creating it, if you stop it before it starts.
Don't wait until you are good enough. In Western Culture, for some reason we have this penetrating idea that we are never good enough. We are brought up that way, to self-deprecate, to hate ourselves or at least lack self-confidence. It's time to stop the madness and allow. Be. Make. Create.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
VistaPrint to the rescue again!
Well, I realize it's been a while since I ordered business cards. Also, I recently moved so I need to update some things. I'm out of business cards with my good phone number, and my address labels are now defunct :( So, having told a colleague that I do, in fact, have business cards, I realized I better actually get some! has great deals. I know, as a graphic artist I could make my own cards...but while browsing their free designs I couldn't resist. They had the perfect one with nice earthy colors and a pair of scissors cutting a cool photoshop-scroll looking design. So that was the one for me, and I artfully arranged their standard form areas. They want you to put your address, number, etc. But I used all the spots available to put my name, title, three blogs I work on (this one and my two business blogs) and included the fact that I'm a photoshop expert, multi-media artist, and videographer. You never know who you are going to meet out there- so I put the things I am best and and would be talking with people about. And I made the executive decision to leave my phone number off of it this time. If I want to give out my number, I can write it on the card- but I'm assuming that my email and website address should be enough for the casual admirer or conversation. And I threw an order of return address labels on for fun, because the Holiday shopping season is upon us, Etsy orders are picking up, and I like my packages to look nice! has great deals. I know, as a graphic artist I could make my own cards...but while browsing their free designs I couldn't resist. They had the perfect one with nice earthy colors and a pair of scissors cutting a cool photoshop-scroll looking design. So that was the one for me, and I artfully arranged their standard form areas. They want you to put your address, number, etc. But I used all the spots available to put my name, title, three blogs I work on (this one and my two business blogs) and included the fact that I'm a photoshop expert, multi-media artist, and videographer. You never know who you are going to meet out there- so I put the things I am best and and would be talking with people about. And I made the executive decision to leave my phone number off of it this time. If I want to give out my number, I can write it on the card- but I'm assuming that my email and website address should be enough for the casual admirer or conversation. And I threw an order of return address labels on for fun, because the Holiday shopping season is upon us, Etsy orders are picking up, and I like my packages to look nice!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Some things just strike me as silly...
Like this...spotted on Etsy, a hot-pink skirt from the mid 80's (which they got wrong, the listing said it's from the 90's)...
Since when is 90s "vintage?" Just another way to put an old garage-sale item up there for sale by mislabeling it- twice.
Since when is 90s "vintage?" Just another way to put an old garage-sale item up there for sale by mislabeling it- twice.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Where did they come up with this?
Confident, goal-driven, hard-working, authoritative, tries to accomplish as much as possible in the shortest amount of time, motivates and leads others
LOL, just found that note on an online profile of me that I didn't know existed...somehow, the all-knowing computer got it right :)
This past weekend, I led my little team of graphic designers to stardom as they took their first award for our 'Zine full of student writing and art. They placed third in the district competition, and we're headed to states!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
How do you do it?
"What?" says Danielle....
"Live each day with this kind of Passion! Don't you find it exhausting?" ~Prince Charming
LOL. Can you tell I'm watching Ever After for like, the 80th time? I really enjoy this modern spin on Cinderella.
Anyway, I LOVE IT when he says that to her in the midst of a heated argument. Why wouldn't you want to live with passion everyday?
"Live each day with this kind of Passion! Don't you find it exhausting?" ~Prince Charming
LOL. Can you tell I'm watching Ever After for like, the 80th time? I really enjoy this modern spin on Cinderella.
Anyway, I LOVE IT when he says that to her in the midst of a heated argument. Why wouldn't you want to live with passion everyday?
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Seek gets a faceup
Today I am finally finished with the polymer portion of my art doll called "Seek." I rubbed her down with acetone (after forgetting that it is a solvent, pouring some out into a plastic cup, and having my cup literally runneth-over as the acetone ate the cup, lol.)
Then I used Genesis oil paints to give her a blushy glow, rosey cheeks, beautiful lips, and eyebrows. I do think she is going to get real eyelashes. You will notice her head is shaped funny- don't make the mistake of making a "realistic" head, because then when you attach the hair or wig, it will be really BIG! So I left room for gluing, because she is going to have 2 kinds of mohair attached in clumps, starting at the nape of the neck.
But I won't be working on her head anymore until the sculpture is assembled. She needs to be attached to her legs now and positioned, because when you do a sculpture in the round, you really need to see the whole thing developing. One of the easiest mistakes to make is to spend a long time developing one part of your sculpture, before you work on other parts- you usually end up with something that looks unbalanced. So, next step- attach hips to legs!
Then I used Genesis oil paints to give her a blushy glow, rosey cheeks, beautiful lips, and eyebrows. I do think she is going to get real eyelashes. You will notice her head is shaped funny- don't make the mistake of making a "realistic" head, because then when you attach the hair or wig, it will be really BIG! So I left room for gluing, because she is going to have 2 kinds of mohair attached in clumps, starting at the nape of the neck.
But I won't be working on her head anymore until the sculpture is assembled. She needs to be attached to her legs now and positioned, because when you do a sculpture in the round, you really need to see the whole thing developing. One of the easiest mistakes to make is to spend a long time developing one part of your sculpture, before you work on other parts- you usually end up with something that looks unbalanced. So, next step- attach hips to legs!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
This is what a day off looks like...
Deb and I went to the beach early today for a nice long walk. Then home to work on our art- she's making a curio cabinet for the kitchen out of recycled materials such as magazines, wire, and cigar boxes. I'm working on my dolly. She just came out of the oven with skin on her face, and I'll post again later with an update. So far, she has her arms and her dress, in rough form, and I apoxied a ring in her hand to hold the lantern. She will be called "Seeker."
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Starving Artist? We need to thrive instead
I love Angi, and just wanted to share what she has to say about this topic. In recent months, through therapy and reading, I've uncovered the negativity in my soul- in America, we are raised with horrible social norms including the idea that taking care of ourselves is a selfish act. That not finishing the food on our plate is somehow causing children to starve to death in China, that we must take care of others at the expense of ourselves, that sacrificing our desires is actually a desirable character trait. We then buy into the idea that to want- to really want, is to take from someone else. What a crock of .....
Anyway, enjoy.
Anyway, enjoy.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Creativity when you're tired
It's hard to be creative every day. I think sometimes it's just plain hard to be creative. I am always thinking, and always ahead of the game- I think of wild things that sometimes my friends and acquaintances just don't "get." It's a blessing and a curse. And lately, I'm just tired. Tired of my situation, my job, and always being turned on- striving to do my best. Why can't I just slack off? Why can't I be "normal?" Why do I have to think of better ways to teach my Photoshop classes (full of 45-50 students, ridiculous) and AP students who don't really care about Art History? Because, I'm a teacher, and I care. And because I am basically a creative person, I can't help but create new and better ways of doing everything I do. So the answer is, keep on truckin'. Even when you are tired. Otherwise, you won't like yourself.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Fairy parts.

Can you see her Apoxy skeleton? I'm working on a 14" fairy sculpture at the moment.
Wow, it takes a lot of different art supplies to create her. So far: Apoxy Sculpt for the armature of the body, over wire; cardboard, bamboo skewers, Sculpamold and hot glue gun for the base (her dress); sticky-back vellum, Angelina film, wire, glitter, glitter glue, Gorilla glue for the wings (and a soldering iron); polymer clay, pearl-ex, genesis paint and UV resin for the eyeballs; 2 different kinds of mohair for the wig; PuppenFimo and Cernit for her skin. And I'm not sure yet if I will use actual fabric, or a layer of paperclay and paint for the dress...I'll make that decision once I have her body finished, but I'm leaning toward paperclay. Then there's the lantern- she is a Seeker in the Dark- she is leaning over, holding out a lantern that really lights up. I have a design dilemma to work out, because the lantern has batteries that will need to be changed, and a button that needs to be pressed. So I have to engineer it so it works, lights up, and is removable from the sculpture for maintenance. I'm thinking maybe one of those cigar tins that individual expensive cigars come in, with holes poked in it to let the light out.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Filming Polymer Clay Podcast- crazy times!
I'm in North Florida with Ilysa, and we just filmed the next 12 episodes of Polymer Clay, we are putting together 3 new courses on Mixed-Media art and Journalling, and a new library of Polymer Clay videos. And we released Ilysa's kaleidoscope caning to the world via hi-def DVD. Of course, all our video is in Hi-Def these days, since we both picked up new camcorders. It has become fairly inexpensive to get really nice equipment, and ours are Canons, which I consider top of the line. As far as we know, we are the only production company doing only HD video for our instructional videos. We are kicking butt and taking names, as they say, since I am only here for 5 days we have to get a lot done. I've got iMovie, Final Cut, iSquint, and iDvd going at the same time- good thing Ilysa's Mac can take it! We have a whole new video intro (short and sweet), and a new song. And a new site- we are opening shortly, where we will be promoting Inspirational Craft Journeys through Mixed-Media are and art journalling.
On top of all that, I am having nightmares....I am supposed to find out this coming week if I can go back to my job or not. Crossing fingers...
On top of all that, I am having nightmares....I am supposed to find out this coming week if I can go back to my job or not. Crossing fingers...
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Texture unexpected.
I've been thinking about what is important to me, what I am passionate about. It's important to stop and think when you are in a stressful situation as I am now. Texture. I am passionate about visual and audio texture. The sound of waves, and the look of them. Likewise with leaves on trees, a scarce commodity in south Florida. Sand, snow, wind, and coral-the bones of the sea. In visiting Texas last weekend, the textures there were dry, flaky, hot...gritty. Green and fertile in the shade. Texture gives meaning to everything. I'd you slow down you will notice the texture of things. Thoughts so thick you could chew them, tastes so wonderful you could roll around in them... I've always said that if it were acceptable, I would bathe in candied sweet potatoes. For the texture, warmth, smell, and taste. Mmmmmmm.
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Thursday, July 7, 2011
It's Preposterous!
Ha, I just like that word. And other words, such as flummoxed, bamboozled, and cummerbund. But, back to my point.
Still no word from Broward County about whether I will get my old job back. Usually they wait until the last dying moment, so no surprise there. Money suddenly "appears," seemingly out of nowhere, and they call the laid-off teachers and make offers. Of course, they fail to apologize for the loss of sleep, stress, strained marriages, and other physical and psychological problems caused by the whole mess. As for my marriage, of course it's been strained. Right now, my husband has gone to another state to find work. We couldn't both sit here waiting for the hand of god, or someone, to help us out. There is no work in South Florida, people. Don't come here. Yes it's beautiful, yes, there is a great beach and palm trees...but unless you like climbing those trees to hack down your own coconuts in the face of starvation, it's not a great place to come looking for a life right now.
Do I sound bitter? I really, truly thought that once I got my job teaching art at a highschool, my LONG career quest would be over and I would stay out the rest of my working days. It's not even that my quest for a career was long, it's that my quest for a JOB was very very long. I always wanted this career, but it took 15 years to get the job.
Well, happy to say that my feelers are out and a certain Prep-school will be interviewing me next week to join their Fine Art department in the Digital Photography and Media capacity. If I go there, Broward will have lost one of it's finest. But as I stated before, all you need to keep your job in Broward County is a hire date and a pulse, you don't need any actual skills in the area you will be teaching. That's thanks to our "wonderful" union.
Still no word from Broward County about whether I will get my old job back. Usually they wait until the last dying moment, so no surprise there. Money suddenly "appears," seemingly out of nowhere, and they call the laid-off teachers and make offers. Of course, they fail to apologize for the loss of sleep, stress, strained marriages, and other physical and psychological problems caused by the whole mess. As for my marriage, of course it's been strained. Right now, my husband has gone to another state to find work. We couldn't both sit here waiting for the hand of god, or someone, to help us out. There is no work in South Florida, people. Don't come here. Yes it's beautiful, yes, there is a great beach and palm trees...but unless you like climbing those trees to hack down your own coconuts in the face of starvation, it's not a great place to come looking for a life right now.
Do I sound bitter? I really, truly thought that once I got my job teaching art at a highschool, my LONG career quest would be over and I would stay out the rest of my working days. It's not even that my quest for a career was long, it's that my quest for a JOB was very very long. I always wanted this career, but it took 15 years to get the job.
Well, happy to say that my feelers are out and a certain Prep-school will be interviewing me next week to join their Fine Art department in the Digital Photography and Media capacity. If I go there, Broward will have lost one of it's finest. But as I stated before, all you need to keep your job in Broward County is a hire date and a pulse, you don't need any actual skills in the area you will be teaching. That's thanks to our "wonderful" union.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Working with positive Affirmations.
I got an app that features list of rotating affirmations -475 of them! Did you know you could say that many positive things to yourself? Most people spend all day cutting themselves apart, saying "I should've, could have, wish I had..." etc. I am experimenting with only saying positive things to myself. So far its been great. My favorite one is "I'm ok." Over and over, since I am prone to irrational anxiety. It helps.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
it matters not what I do for kids....

Oh the disappointments involved with being a public school teacher in Florida. On Monday morning I got the phonecall. Summarily laid-off due to seniority and lack of funds.
It seems the Longer I am employed, the lower my seniority gets, since they keep chopping off the feet of the arts totem pole. My Principal and several others have come up to bat for me, I even spoke with the head of the district arts dept, who said "Gee, you have a lot of fans rooting for you!" I told her, of course I do, I'm nice, the kids like me, and I do a good job. Duh.(not that last part.)
But in public school overrun by a useless union, it doesn't matter what my skills or effectiveness are-it only matters that I was hired on 2/20/08. It is very sad, and I hope somehow the word gets out to parents when an underqualified randomly selected person with more seniority is attempting to teach my digital and AP classes next year. How can we fix public education? It's the worst run business I have ever experienced, where skills have nothing to do with your job or compensation.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Another Day in Paradise
Well, the school year is my chagrin, every art teacher below me in seniority was laid off. I'm next, say lots of prayers that those below me somehow get their jobs back.
I am now enjoying my days, preparing for a summer of making and creating, after a quick trip up to NY to see my sisters- one turned 30 and the other is 6 months preggers, so a visit is in order :)
Getting ready to list a whole bunch of wing jewelry that I made for shows this spring...what didn't sell is going onto Etsy for my online clientele.
I am now enjoying my days, preparing for a summer of making and creating, after a quick trip up to NY to see my sisters- one turned 30 and the other is 6 months preggers, so a visit is in order :)
Getting ready to list a whole bunch of wing jewelry that I made for shows this spring...what didn't sell is going onto Etsy for my online clientele.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
mermaid again
Post Dr Who. This very large canvas has been sitting in the corner of the bedroom for over a year, painfully waiting to become beautiful. Finally, I am unblocked.
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Friday, April 29, 2011
Last launch of Endeavor
Sorry, kids, I decided on a last minute whim to travel up to Kennedy Space Center to see the penultimate shuttle launch. We got a fabulous parking spot right across the bay from the launched, and I've got the hd cam ready to go. There's a guy roasting ribs ( gonna be a great lunch) and the place is filling up quick. It's gonna be a Long day of waiting, since the launch isn't scheduled until 3:47, but we've got chips, cards, and smartphones ;)
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Friday, April 22, 2011
The quiet of twilight
I live by the beach and there are two pools on my property. Interestingly (to me, anyway) I don't use them much. Tonight I felt like some me time so I came down and it is so peaceful. There is no one here but the birds.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Rainbows to remind me...
Just when I was having a baddish evening, I turn around to see a rainbow poking thru the black clouds. Add a little Ani Di Franco to the mix and things could be looking up.
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Monday, April 11, 2011
Art Bead Scene Blog: April Monthly Challenge
Art Bead Scene Blog: April Monthly Challenge
Yay! I love this month's theme, and I am going to try to enter. It's been a while, and a challenge is just what I need.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Today was all about patience. Waiting for others, waiting for myself... waiting for lights, people, food, a kiln, two drawbridges. I took a long walk this morning and started listening to the Tao de Ching, so I suppose it was inevitable that I would, of course, spend my day learning the lesson of slowing down. Now if my dinner would just hurry up and cook!
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Teaching portraiture
Oh what fun, today I attempted to explain how to take a good portrait to a group of half-awake teens. Some of them enjoyed it...
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Counting Blessings
Just needed a positive moment.
One of our Guidance Counselors lost her life to a sudden heart attack this week. It's terrible- she was only 55, and healthy, happy, and a lovely person. It's shocking when these things happen, there's no reason, death is a part of life. These are all very rational thoughts.
Connie, you will be fondly remembered. You've given me a reason to count my blessings today. I have a wonderful family and husband, a job at a school with wonderful kids, three crazy cats, a home by the beach, health, a car that runs, business partners that Rock...the list goes on and on. What are you grateful for today?
One of our Guidance Counselors lost her life to a sudden heart attack this week. It's terrible- she was only 55, and healthy, happy, and a lovely person. It's shocking when these things happen, there's no reason, death is a part of life. These are all very rational thoughts.
Connie, you will be fondly remembered. You've given me a reason to count my blessings today. I have a wonderful family and husband, a job at a school with wonderful kids, three crazy cats, a home by the beach, health, a car that runs, business partners that Rock...the list goes on and on. What are you grateful for today?
Friday, January 14, 2011
Just when I think a technological breakthrough is about to happen in my classroom, the school board blocks yet another "inappropriate" website. This time the target was Tumblr, which imo was going to be the next breakthrough in classroom blogging. Our photo department was all set to start using it for twice daily reflections and photoblogging. Way to go, Broward County. Keep blocking those sites. Soon every graphic resource on the net will be a no-go. It's very frustrating to be a digital design teacher in this district.
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