Thursday, October 27, 2011

Breaking through creative blocks- just do it.

I have suffered from what I sometimes refer to as creative ADD. I can get incredibly engrossed in learning something- usually for a very short time period of say, one to two weeks. In that time span, I read several paper books, download 10 ebooks, listen to 50 podcasts, read every magazine article available, bookmark 25 websites, research several experts working in that media, and learn everything there is to know. Then, I either buy some supplies and try it out, or determine that I'm not all that interested in actually trying it out, and move on. Or, put it on the back-burner as something I will someday try. And- my favorite- get angry at myself for not having done it sooner, because now I have to compete with someone who is already doing it the way I "would have."

All of this is, of course, a well-disguised version of procrastination, which is in itself a well-disguised version of creative-block of one kind or another. I have quit doing this, by the way. I read a great book called Art & Fear, I got some therapy, listened to Byron Katie, have taken up Buddhist philosophy, started to pray again, and worked it out. Now my issue is time. That will be dealt with in another post.

So what is my number one tip to breaking through the creative block so you can have something to show for yourself? Start!

The world wants what you make. You are the only one who can make it, and there are people out there who really love what you make. But you can't let them see it if it never sees the light of day, if you never get around to creating it, if you stop it before it starts.

Don't wait until you are good enough. In Western Culture, for some reason we have this penetrating idea that we are never good enough. We are brought up that way, to self-deprecate, to hate ourselves or at least lack self-confidence. It's time to stop the madness and allow. Be. Make. Create.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

VistaPrint to the rescue again!

Well, I realize it's been a while since I ordered business cards. Also, I recently moved so I need to update some things. I'm out of business cards with my good phone number, and my address labels are now defunct :( So, having told a colleague that I do, in fact, have business cards, I realized I better actually get some! has great deals. I know, as a graphic artist I could make my own cards...but while browsing their free designs I couldn't resist. They had the perfect one with nice earthy colors and a pair of scissors cutting a cool photoshop-scroll looking design. So that was the one for me, and I artfully arranged their standard form areas. They want you to put your address, number, etc. But I used all the spots available to put my name, title, three blogs I work on (this one and my two business blogs) and included the fact that I'm a photoshop expert, multi-media artist, and videographer. You never know who you are going to meet out there- so I put the things I am best and and would be talking with people about. And I made the executive decision to leave my phone number off of it this time. If I want to give out my number, I can write it on the card- but I'm assuming that my email and website address should be enough for the casual admirer or conversation. And I threw an order of return address labels on for fun, because the Holiday shopping season is upon us, Etsy orders are picking up, and I like my packages to look nice!
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