Saturday, December 4, 2010

Gratitude, Day 4

Oops, I missed a day! It was inevitable. I got sick, things happen...
Today I'm grateful for stories and their tellers. I am a fan of fantasy. Perhaps it's partly due to family influences. You see, I'm Yolen offspring, and I was given many gifts of books by my mother's cousin, Jane, when I was young. My favorite of all time is The Hundredth Dove (and other tales, actually an anthology.) I grew up with a love for modern and old fashioned fairy tales, and I really love finding out what the REAL endings to the stories are, not the "disney-fied" versions. Let's see, the top shelf of my bookshelf includes...Grimm's Fairy Tales, Where the Sidewalk Ends, 100 Vicious Vampire Tales, 100 Wicked Witch Tales, The Mermaid's Three Wisdoms, The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy, Strunk and White. I see a trend. And today, I'm sick and lying on the couch. Thankfully, there is a Harry Potter marathon on today- and it's the extended cuts so I'm seeing scenes I haven't seen before. Stories can be so helpful at times like this.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Gratitude, Day 2

Wouldn't you know, I would feel grateful for health and I'm coming down with a cold. My first in months! LOL.
Today, I'm grateful for my ability to learn. I am quick, and it's a gift. Not everyone has the gift of natural ease of learning. In school, I was a quick learner and that trend has continued into the rest of my life. I often learn new things just from hearing or seeing them one time.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

31 days of Gratitude- Day 1

This coming year I have big plans. But I believe the most important thing to do is first step back and ground myself if what is real. December seems like a good month to do this.

Day 1: I am grateful for my health. I just had my first physical in about 6 years, with full bloodwork. Secretly, I was hoping something was wrong. After all, I haven't been sleeping well, and goodness knows I've been trying to lose weight for years. If something was wrong, it could get "fixed." But nothing was wrong. In fact, I am in such good health internally that I'm convinced I will live into my 90's just like my two grandmothers. My cholesterol is low, my "good" cholesterol number is so high I couldn't believe it. So, I am thankful that my health is not something I need to worry about.
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