Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Green, White, and Grey day....

It's raining in Austin! I can't believe it. I mean, I know it must happen... just the other day I was wondering how this city could be so lush, green and beautiful when it hasn't rained in weeks. There must be tons of groundwater, is all I can come up with.

Rob and I went to Mozart's coffee on the river early this morning to start the day. Then it began to spritz so we came home. I spent the rest of the day on the porch with my laptop, working on new books for LessonPop, creating some artwork for our launch party for this week, listening to the rain. Wrapped in a blanket, drinking tea. Brings back memories of when I was younger, and I would wrap up in a blanket and sit on the back porch, reading. I especially love days when it's grey, chilly and a bit windy. Right now, someone is cooking and the smoke and smells of grilling meats are getting caught in a net of branches and leaves. It's very interesting to see and smell...mmmmmmm.

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