Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"Just Be- who you Be!"

A quote!

I said this to a group of my highschool students- we were in the middle of a discussion and an issue about peer pressure came up. 

I turned to one of the girls, a girl who has no problem with this concept- she is 5’10”, very dark skinned, "thick", and very steampunk. Her hair is purple and black, she almost always wears goggles as a “headband,” she loves big shoes that make her look even taller, and every day her eyebrows are drawn on differently. I said to her- “Just be, who you be!” and winked. Then we had a good laugh together. 

Take this advice- no matter what you feel like wearing, drawing, making; no matter who you are today- be you. Don’t worry if anyone cares- it’s you that needs to feel like, well, you! When you speak, act, look, and feel genuine to yourself, you will infect others with the confidence and light of your being.


  1. I agree! but unfortunately most do not learn this until they are older and torture themselves in the meantime. I have always lived like that. I am who I am...lost alot of people in my life..But i am happy! Love your posts!

  2. Thanks Kelly! Don't I know it. It is difficult for creative people sometimes, either they overcompensate by being ostentatious, or they hide from the world, or they self-medicate with drugs and introverted behavior... we all need a little dose of being who we really are, and not caring what other people might think.


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