Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Figs and Sunsets....

This weekend, I took more steps in my Creative Every Day journey towards making my house a home. I bought a Fig tree, a blueberry, and tomatoes, red & Jalepeno pepper plants. And the gardener through in a young rosemary as a gift! The fig is awesome, it's a small bush and already has at least 20 figs growing on it. While bringing it up on the elevator, I met a man from Turkey who told me all about how to care for it and tell when the fruit is ripe enough to eat- lucky for me, because I bought it on instinct and impulse, hoping to figure it out later! So now all these lovely little plants live on my southern-exposed balcony.

I left the fig on the west side, hoping to give it more sun, and put the smaller herbs and blueberry on the east side so they would wake up with warm sun and then be protected from the harsh afternoon heat. I'm watching them to see how they do with this arrangement! I had a very green thumb when I lived in Portland, but here I'm nervous. The climate is more harsh to plants.

It's been a rare thing to see a sunset of such beauty as there was tonight..Here's a pic for inspiration.

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