Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Oh, the places you'll go...

Let's talk for a moment about places I've been, and places I want to go to.

I thought I might like to visit every country that starts with "I" first, since I've already got two under my belt- Italy and Ireland. Both beautiful places I very much wanted to see- Italy for the art, and Ireland because I'm an Irish lass- at least partially. I discovered interesting things in both places.

In Italy, I found that the most beautiful pieces of art are just lying around for everyone to see and touch. There are pieces of columns from the ancient Roman Forum just lying across the sidewalks. There are hand-carved marble Saints and nymphs adorning wall niches and fountains in very public, unprotected areas. It is strange and exciting, since here most of the art is in museums, behind glass or ropes. In Italy the art can be seen "in the wild," in it's natural intended everyday environment. My aunt that I travelled with would say, "What is that?" and I would answer, "Nothing special, just a fountain." Um, yeah, but the most beautiful fountain you ever laid eyes on...until the next one.

In Ireland, I discovered a wild place full of green. It was easy to believe the Faerie legends, deep in the dark woods next to streams and rocks as we hiked and climbed for better views. I also learned that with my dark hair, freckles, and green eyes, I am far more "Irish looking" than my fairer siblings. And I was told that the Irish genome is actually 96% Spanish, having been settled by Spaniards, hence the normal dark hair as opposed to light or red, which is what we think stereotypically as "Irish."

So the rest of the I countries are: Iran, Iraq and Israel... which I have absolutely no desire to visit... followed by Iceland and Indonesia, both strikingly different by highly desired due to the nature, and India. I would very much like to visit India without a schedule or plan, and with a whole lot of money for buying textiles and paper. I love the colors of India, and I would love to just go there and ask people to point me in the direction of some good local fabric dyers and artisans.

The other places I would really like to go? The countryside of China has some gorgeous mountains and rivers. Japan. Paris, of course. London, maybe...but it's lower on the list. Barcelona, Greece (Mykonos, actually.) Istanbul, when it's safe. I would have liked to see Egypt, but right now, not on the list. I would love to cruise the Aegean Sea.

I think I need to start saving a boatload of cash!

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